Albanian Translation Tips
Understanding Albanian for translation starts by recognizing its unique position within the Indo-European language family. Unlike other languages in this family, no definitive link has been established to its branch. This makes Albanian the sole surviving representative of its own branch within the Paleo-Balkan group, although its precise historical roots in the Balkans remain uncertain. While there are attempts to connect it with ancient languages like Illyrian, Thracian, or Dacian, the evidence continues to be inconclusive.
In terms of vocabulary, Albanian shares some commonalities with Greek, Germanic, and Balto-Slavic languages, but it also maintains a distinct vocabulary making working alongside a professional an absolute must for any business. Albanian also has some linguistic similarities with Latin, Romance languages, and other languages in the Balkan region. Being aware of the similarities and differences Albanian presents in the region is what gives our translators the edge, allowing you to reach your audience effectively.